Mega science projects
lecture series will tell you about how the first mega science projects in the
field of particle physics came about and the history of the first well known
facilities. These lectures are presented by the Deputy Chief of the
Accelerator Department of High Energy Physics, Anatoly Sidorin (LHEP, JINR).
- Teacher: Anatoly Sidorin

Particle accelerators at JINR
In this course you will hear about the history of particle accelerators, the different types of acceleration, and will learn more about specific machines, such as RF Resonant accelerators, cyclotrons, and synchrotrons. These lectures are presented by the Deputy Chief of the Accelerator Department of High Energy Physics, Anatoly Sidorin (LHEP, JINR).
- Teacher: Anatoly Sidorin

Structure and tasks of the NICA complex
This course is aimed at explaining the overall structure of the NICA complex while giving more information on its experimental facilities, numerous and varied tasks, as well as its future program. These lectures are presented by the Deputy Chief of the accelerator department of High energy physics, Anatoly Sidorin (LHEP, JINR).
- Teacher: Anatoly Sidorin

Injection complex
Find out more about the structure of the NICA injection complex, injection chains for light and heavy ions, linear accelerators and beam transport lines. These lectures are presented by the Deputy Chief of the Accelerator Department of High Energy Physics, Anatoly Sidorin (LHEP, JINR).
- Teacher: Anatoly Sidorin

Superconducting magnets
A look at the history, production and operation of Superconducting (SC) magnets used in the NICA complex as brought to you by the Head of the Research and Experimental Department of SC Magnets, Sergey Kostromin.
- Teacher: Anatoly Sidorin

A dedication to the Superconducting Heavy Ion Synchrotron, called the Nuclotron, which was built in 1993 and will now be used as a second accelerating ring for the NICA complex. These lectures are presented by the Deputy Chief of the Accelerator Department of High Energy Physics, Anatoly Sidorin (LHEP, JINR).
- Teacher: Anatoly Sidorin

After completing this series of lectures, you will know about the collider experiment, its structure and parameters for Au–Au collisions, how it compares to the fixed-target experiment, the luminosity of experiment and staging of the collider operation. This series of lectures is brought to you by the Deputy Chief of the Accelerator Department of High Energy Physics, Anatoly Sidorin (LHEP, JINR).
- Teacher: Anatoly Sidorin

Cryogenic complex
The use of cryogenic technologies in high-energy physics is described by the head of the Scientific Research Cryogenic Department (VBLHEP, JINR), Anton Konstantinov.