The first chapter introduces the injection complex of both light and heavy ions at the NICA complex. This lecture provides an overview of each of the required chains and their specific setup, which leads to the acceleration of particles.
The second chapter focuses on the heavy ion injection chain, starting with the Electron Beam Ion Source.
The third chapter is about the setup of the heavy ion chain - from the source, the beam of heavy ions comes into the linear accelerator. This lecture outlines the composition and characteristics of this setup.
This chapter is devoted to the first accelerating ring of the NICA complex called the Booster. Here is an interesting fact: the booster ring is located inside the yoke of the old, well-known accelerator, the Synchrophasotron, which is now used as the biological protection.
Now we come to the introduction to the injection chain for light ions. In this chapter you will find out exactly what nuclei, and what energy, will be used inside this chain.
This chapter is dedicated to the source of polarized light ions, laser ion sources, solid-state laser ion sources and Duoplasmatron.
The last chapter of the lecture further explores the injection chain for light ions, LEBT, RFQ, MEBT and the linear accelerator, LU-20.