Main Facilities
Multimedia exposition which reveals working principles of some of JINR Main Facilities. Exposition is used for public demonstration.

NICA Complex
Video hightlights of the accelerator complex at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics. It shows finished parts of the project (sources, linear accelerators, a factory of magnets, etc.) and with the developed ones (collider ring, MPD detector, etc.).

Superheavy elements at U-400 Cyclotron
Video tells about the synthesis of new superheavy elements on the U-400 Cyclotron of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions.

Baikal Neutrino telescope
Video tells about the Russian Neutrino Telescope of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems located at the bottom of Lake Baikal. Neutrinos, flying through the Earth, are detected by numerous detectors, immersed in the bottom of the lake.

Proton therapy at Medico-Technical Complex
Video tells about the principles of the installation of a Medico-Technical Complex located on the basis of the Phasotron of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems.

IBR-2 Pulse Reactor
Video reveals the internal structure and operating principle of the Fast Neutron Reactor located at the Laboratory of Neutron Physics.
You can see the animation of the DN-6 experiment at IBR-2 in another video.