The first lecture about particle accelerators begins with a look into their history and subsequent classification.
The second chapter is about the history of direct action accelerators.
The third lecture is dedicated to various linear accelerators, the electromagnetic wave accelerator and the Radio-Frequency Quadrupole accelerator with a look into their respective origins.
This chapter focuses on Linacs with traveling-waves, such as the IREN (Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR) and the Linac-200 (Dzhelepov Laboratory for Nuclear Problems).
Learn more about collective acceleration as it is used in modern accelerators.
An in-depth look at the first cyclic particle accelerator, the Betatron.
The seventh chapter is focused on the classification of Cyclic RF Resonant accelerators.
An introduction to the Cyclotron, which accelerates charged particles from the center along a spiral path.
This chapter focuses on the accelerating setup called the Microtron.
The last chapter discusses modern machines built in XX century: Phasotron, Synchrophasotron, Nuclotron and the future accelerator complex, NICA, being built in XXI century.